It is considered to be that men are simply obliged to know everything about erogenous zones of women. And it is valid, on a female body – a set of erogenous zones which do it incredibly sensitive.

But not all women know that the male body deserves not less attention and caress. Actually, men have erogenous zones, and there is a lot of them.
And the most important – needs to be known about men’s erogenous zones. Why? Because men appreciate caress and tenderness not less, than women – though do not advertise it.
The woman can give the maximum pleasure to the man, only if knows a male body. It is capable to dement any man.
Women who know the most erogenous zones on a male body always have success and are always desired.
And you know what zones are the most erogenous on a body of men? Let’s make a list.
It is considered to be that a female neck – very erogenous zone. Kisses in a neck are considered as very erotic.
But it appears, a back part of a neck is a men’s erogenous zone about which all women have to know.
According to sexologists, stimulation of a neck strengthens blood circulation in a body. Best gentle touches or kisses in a neck approach.
Men like kisses not less, than to women. Lips it is one of the most sensitive and erogenous zones at men. Kisses make horny men not less, than other manifestations of tenderness.
Men love when they whisper them on an ear different erotic words. If you know what message to send to seduce any online webcam boy. But not only. Ears it is very erogenous zone at many men. Caress or slightly bite a lobe of an ear of the man – it very much makes horny.
Internal surface of a hip
Many women consider that to caress legs – especially men’s duty. But, to surprise of many women, the internal surface of a hip – one of the most sensitive and erogenous zones on a body at most of men.
One more erogenous zone on a male body which unfairly remains unaddressed. Some men say that they do not like stimulation of nipples. But after all, most of men derives pleasure from unostentatious and gentle caress in nipples.
Ball sack
This gentle and sensitive zone on the man’s body surrounding balls is covered a set of the nervous terminations. The ball sack can be stroked, gently to rub and mass – all this gives to men a great pleasure.
Of course, the penis is the main erogenous zone of men. But not all women know how to handle it. The most important is to find out what caress is pleasant to your man. You monitor his reaction and also do not hesitate to ask what movements and in what rhythm are pleasant to the man most of all.
Some women will be surprised, but the area between an anus and a ball sack at the man is erogenous. All this thanks to a large number of the nervous terminations in this zone.
How to caress this area? It is the best to caress area of a ball sack by means of hands, slightly pressing and massing. It is pleasant to many men when the woman caresses this zone language.
Area of a pubis
Whether you know that the line of growth of pubic hair is very erogenous area not only at women, but also at men? How to caress this zone? During erotic caress undo a belt at the man on trousers – the erogenous zone is usually where there is a belt, and below. Men adore when women pay attention to this part of a body.
Now you know a little more about erogenous zones at men and will be able to bring the man the sea of pleasure and new feelings which he will remember for a long time.